Current & Recently Completed Construction Projects
Review information related to current District construction projects below. These projects reflect quarterly construction progress reports.
(Last updated October 2024)
Current Projects
Aliso Creek Lift Station Rehabilitation
Project Location: Aliso Viejo
The scope of work for this project includes:
Work for this project involves rehabilitation of the lift station in its entirety, including replacement of all mechanical and electrical components. An additional third pump will be added to the station to improve the operational reliability of the facility. The project also includes wet well rehabilitation, reconfiguration of the influent gravity sewer piping to facilitate bypassing of the station, and site restoration.
Construction documents for the project were prepared by Black & Veatch.
Project Details:
- Fund 7 Rehabilitation and Replacement
- Contractor – Pacific Hydrotech Corp.
- Contract Award – 01/08/2024
- Construction Amount – $7,211,620
- Paid To Date – $90,000
- Percentage Constructed – 0%
- Estimated Completion – December 2025
Notes: Construction anticipated to begin in October 2024.

Crown Valley Parkway Pipeline Replacements
Crown Valley Parkway Pipeline Replacements
Project Location: Laguna Niguel
The scope of work for this project includes:
Work for this project includes the installation of approximately 1.75 miles of new dual 12-inch diameter PVC sewer force mains and associated appurtenances within Crown Valley Parkway to replace the existing sewer force main; approximately 1.75 miles of a new 12-inch diameter PVC and steel water transmission main and associated appurtenances within Crown Valley Parkway to replace the existing water transmission main; and a new belowground master meter facility within right-of-way between Crown Valley Parkway and Paseo Del Niguel to replace the existing I.D. No. 1 Master Meter facility. The project also includes the abandonment of the existing pipelines after the new pipelines have been placed into service.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by Tetra Tech.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 04/14/2023
- Construction Contract – $14,450,646
- Percentage Constructed – 50%
- Estimated Completion – March 2025
Notes: Please visit for the latest project updates..

Reservoir Management Systems (RMS) Replacements – Phase 4
Reservoir Management Systems (RMS) Replacements – Phase 4
Project Location: Various Locations
Similar to the previous phases, this project will demolish the existing RMS facilities and construct new RMS facilities at El Dorado, La Paz, Rancho, and Saddleback reservoir sites. The new RMS facilities will consist of new block buildings, sodium hypochlorite on-site generation at two sites, sodium hypochlorite and ammonia storage tanks and metering pumps, reservoir mixing systems, sampling stations, safety eyewashes/showers, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation, and controls.
Construction documents for the Reservoir Management Systems Replacement – Phase 4 project were prepared by Brown and Caldwell. Buiter provides construction management and inspection services.
Project Details:
- Contract Award: 09/14/2023
- Construction Contract: $9,217,109
- Percentage Constructed – 45%
- Estimated Completion – June 2025
Notes: All buildings have been constructed. Currently working on electrical and mechanical equipment installations.
Recently Completed Projects
East Aliso Creek Reservoir Inlet and Outlet Piping Modifications
Project Location: Laguna Niguel
The scope of work for this project includes:
Work for this project will replace the existing inlet and outlet piping, as well as the existing piping and valves within the valve vault and other associated site piping. The project would also install flexible expansion joints where the piping connects to the tank to enhance the seismic resiliency of the facility.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by Black & Veatch.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 05/13/2023
- Construction Contract – $695,067
- Completed – August 2024

Project Location: Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills
The scope of work for this project includes:
Work for this project will replace key valves that have been identified by District staff and prioritized as part of the systemwide valve replacement program. The proposed contract includes the replacement of 70 potable water valves at 23 locations within the cities of Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by AKM Consulting Engineers.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 07/11/2023
- Construction Contract– $2,933,939
- Completed– September 2024

Plant 3A
Subsidence Mitigation
Plant 3A Subsidence Mitigation
Project Location: Mission Viejo
Work for this project includes improvement to the site drainage infrastructure; replacing the existing surface pavement; and converting the existing plant water system to recycled water. District staff also identified the need to also rehabilitate the concrete surfaces of the existing Return Activated Sludge and Waste Activated Sludge pump stations and construct bypassing infrastructure to divert solids to the JB Latham Treatment Plant downstream when necessary.
Construction documents for the project were prepared by Dudek
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 06/09/2022
- Construction Contract – $3,702,843
- Completed – June 2024
Notes: Construction is anticipated to be completed in March 2024.

Potable Water Steel Reservoir Seismic Retrofits
Potable Water Steel Reservoir Seismic Retrofits
Project Location: Various Locations
The scope of work for this project includes:
- Construction of concrete ring-wall foundation extensions at two reservoirs.
- Reconfiguration of inlet and outlet piping at 13 reservoirs to include flexible couplings.
- Reconfiguration of reservoir drain piping at 5 reservoirs to include flexible couplings.
- Installation of 31 isolation valves.
- Installation of 2 flush-type cleanout reservoir doors.
- Installation of 12 new reservoir penetrations.
- Reservoir cleaning and disinfection services.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by Lee & Ro, Inc.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 12/09/2021
- Construction Amount – $4,494,001
- Completed – August 2023

Reservoir Management Systems (RMS) Replacements – Phase 3
Reservoir Management Systems (RMS) Replacements – Phase 3
Project Location: Various Locations
Work for this project will demolish the existing RMS facilities and construct new RMS facilities at the Aliso Hills, Aliso Summit, Bear Brand, Rolling Hills, and Sheep Hills reservoir sites. The new RMS facilities will consist of new block buildings, sodium hypochlorite and ammonia storage and metering pumps, reservoir mixing systems, sampling stations, safety eyewashes/showers, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation, and controls.
Construction documents for the Reservoir Management Systems Replacement – Phase 3 project were prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. MWH is providing construction management and inspection services.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 03/16/2021
- Construction Amount – $6,645,971
- Completed – July 2023
Notes: Construction continues at all reservoir sites. Construction of new mechanical components taking place at Rancho, and Aliso Hills Reservoir sites.
Project Location: Aliso Viejo and Laguna Niguel
The scope of work for this project includes:
Work for this project includes the replacement of the piping, pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves, isolation valves, pipe supports, access ladders, instrumentation, and appurtenances within each Pressure Reducing Station (PRS) vault. The project also includes pressure washing the interior of the below-ground vaults and final coating of the new piping and valves.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by Dudek.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 07/14/2022
- Construction Amount – $237,328
- Completed 2023
Notes: Construction completed at the Calle Corta and Cabot Road locations; crews currently working on punch list items. Notice of Completion to be filed in August 2023.

Blackbird and Solitaire Easement Pipeline Replacement Project
Blackbird and Solitaire Easement Pipeline Replacement Project
Project Location: Aliso Viejo
Work for this project includes the installation of a new 8-inch diameter fusible PVC pipeline, isolation valves, a combination air valve, and associated paving and landscape restoration. Work also includes abandonment of the existing pipeline.
Construction documents for this project were prepared by Brown and Caldwell.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 08/11/2022
- Construction Amount – $329,581
- Completed 2023
Notes: Construction continues at all reservoir sites. Construction of new mechanical components taking place at the Rancho, and Aliso Hills Reservoir sites.
Construction Complete. Notice of Completion to be filed in August 2023.

Upper Salada Lift Station Auxiliary Generator
Upper Salada Lift Station Auxiliary Generator Replacement
Project Location: Laguna Niguel
Work for this project includes constructing new retaining walls and fencing along the westerly and southerly sides of the lift station; on-site asphalt paving; recoating the existing fencing; and installing a new rolling gate for site access. Additionally, a new diesel engine-driven emergency generator will be installed along with a fuel system capable of fueling the generator for a 24-hour period to replace the existing natural-gas standby generator.
Construction documents for the project were prepared by Psomas.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 05/13/2021
- Construction Contract – $931,665
- Completed: 2023

Auxiliary Pump and Engine
Replacement, and Portable Generator Connection
Saddleback Auxiliary Pump and Engine Replacement, and Portable Generator Connection
Project Location: Mission Viejo
Work for this project includes replacing the existing auxiliary pump and engine with a new diesel engine-driven vertical turbine pump. The project also includes associated fuel piping, fuel storage tanks, ventilation, electrical, controls, appurtenances, portable generator connection, and building modifications.
Construction documents for the project were prepared by Lee & Ro, Inc.
Project Details:
- Contract Award – 10/12/2020
- Construction Contract – $1,069,895

Transmission Main (ETM) Access
Manways and
Valves (ETM Assessment)
Eastern Transmission Main Access Manways & Valves
Work for this project includes installation of five new access manways along the pipeline as well as potholing, traffic control and other support required to facilitate the condition assessment, replacement of an existing in-line valve and installation of a blow-off assembly that will help with draining the pipeline prior to the condition assessment. Initial manway construction is complete.
Project Location: Various Locations
Eastern Transmission Main Assessment
Moulton Niguel is utilizing innovative technology to assess the condition of one of the most critical water transmission pipelines in the District. The 60-year-old Eastern Transmission Main is a 5.6-mile-long buried steel pipeline, starting in the City of Laguna Woods and traversing through Cities of Laguna Hills, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, and San Juan Capistrano. The District is in the process of performing the following types of inspections:
A robotic crawler is sent through the inside of the pipe and is equipped with an array of electromagnetic sensors that are used to detect areas where the wall of the pipe may have become thinner over time. Similar to an X-ray, the electromagnetic sensors can “see through” the wall of the pipe, meaning they can detect wall loss on the interior and exterior of the pipe without the need for expensive and disruptive excavations. The crawler is also equipped with a high-definition video camera to visually assess the condition of the protective coating inside of the pipe. - A free-swimming probe is sent through the inside of the pipe and listens for signs of potential leaks via an ultrasonic signal. The SmartBall inspection is performed in advance of the electromagnetic inspection to help identify areas that may require extra attention during the electromagnetic inspection.
Both inspections provide data to pin-point specific areas within the pipeline that may require maintenance or rehabilitation. This allows the District to prioritize activities to maximize the life of this critical infrastructure and ensure continued reliable service while also minimizing cost. Without this innovative technology, the District would have to rely on addressing leaks and pipe breaks as they occur or replace the entire pipeline. This project is projected to save our customers millions of dollars over the life of the pipeline.

Rehabilitation of Rancho No. 1 & No. 2 Reservoirs
This project includes structural and corrosion repairs, tank operation and safety improvements (including spiral stairways, full perimeter guardrails, and interior fiberglass platform and ladders), installation of a cathodic protection system, and re-coating of the interior and exterior of the reservoir.
Click here to watch the Rancho Reservoir Rehabilitation Video
Project Location: Laguna Niguel

RTP Southerly
Influent Sewer Improvements
This project was developed to implement improvements to the District’s southerly sewers entering the Regional Treatment Plant. The proposed project will significantly improve the District’s southerly gravity sewer system in this area.
Project Location: Laguna Niguel

Moulton Peak Radio Tower Replacement
Work for this project will relocate the tower to a location within the Moulton Peak Reservoir site that improves access for maintenance activities.
The scope of work includes the construction of a new tower, concrete support footing, concrete equipment pad, retaining wall, drainage improvements, electrical equipment, and a backup generator. Following the construction of the new tower, the existing antennas will be transferred from the old tower to the new tower, and the old tower will be demolished. Due to the specialized nature of the work, the transfer of the antennas will be done under a separate contract as part of a future planned antenna replacement project.
Project Location: Aliso Viejo

Aliso Creek and Southwing Lift
Stations Auxiliary Generator Replacements
Work for this project includes replacing the existing propane emergency generators with new auxiliary diesel generators at both lift stations.
Project Location: Aliso Creek and Southwing Lift Station
Completed: August 2021

Regional Lift Station Enhancements
Work for this project includes enhancements at the Regional Lift Station that will improve the operational reliability of this critical facility.
Project Location: Laguna Niguel
Estimated Completion: December 2021

2017-18 Electrical Distribution
Equipment Replacements
In 2016, a District-wide electrical system assessment was conducted at its pump and lift stations. Based on this assessment, Staff prioritized the recommended electrical upgrades and scheduled the replacement of the appropriate improvements at each station.
Project Location: Various Locations
Estimated completion: August 2021

Pipeline Replacements at I-5 and Oso Creek Crossings
This project replaced existing potable and recycled pipelines that cross under the I-5 freeway south of Oso Parkway by installing a new 72-inch casing below the freeway via microtunneling. New 20-inch potable water and 30-inch recycled water carrier pipelines, each within secondary casings, were contained within the 72-inch steel casing. Connections were made to existing potable and recycled pipelines on each side of the freeway using conventional pipeline installation methods. The project replaced existing potable and recycled pipelines that cross under the I-5 freeway south of Oso Parkway via microtunneling.
Project Location: Mission Viejo
Project Complete