Water and Wastewater Rates
Each Moulton Niguel customer is allocated a personalized water budget based on your individualized needs. The rate structure for water service fees has five customer classes: residential, multi-family, commercial, irrigation, and recycled.
This structure is comprised of two components: a fixed monthly service charge and a variable volumetric water consumption charge. The rates for the fixed monthly service charge are established on the basis of the size of the water meter serving a property and are calculated to recover a significant portion of the District’s fixed costs. The rates for the variable volumetric charge are based on the number of units of water delivered to a property and consist of five tiers which result in higher rates as the amount of water consumption increases.
* Classifications are subject to change upon inspection by the District in order to comply with the intent of MNWD’s Rules and Regulations and regulatory mandates
For more information about wastewater rates, please contact our Billing Department at (949) 448-4050.
The Moulton Niguel Water District approved new rates in January 2022.