Reports & Publications
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Urban Water Management Plan
The Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of Water Code Sections 10610 through 10656 of the Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act), which were added by Statute 1983, Chapter 1009, and became effective on January 1, 1984. The Act requires “every urban water supplier providing water for municipal purposes to more than 3,000 customers or supplying more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually” to prepare, adopt, and file a UWMP with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) every five years.
Moulton Niguel Water District has prepared an update to its UWMP in accordance with the Act and the Water Conservation Act of 2009, commonly referred to as SBX7-7, and the guidance provided by the DWR UWMP Guidebook 2020. The District has also prepared an Addendum to its 2015 UWMP to demonstrate reduced water reliance from the Bay-Delta as part of the Delta Reform Act. Both of these documents were adopted by the Board of Directors at the June 10, 2021 Board Meeting. A copy of the adopted documents can be found below.
Click here for the Urban Water Management Plan 2020
Addendum to the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
Urban Water Management Plan 2018 Errata Sheet
Urban Water Management Plan 2015 Part 1
Urban Water Management Plan 2015 Part 2
Urban Water Management Plan 2015 Part 3

Water Shortage Contingency Plan
In 2018, two long-term conservation bills, Senate Bill (SB) 606 and Assembly Bill (AB) 1668, were signed into law by then Governor Jerry Brown. The two bills amended portions of the California Water Code (CWC) including Section 10632, which requires every urban water supplier to prepare and adopt a Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) with required elements as part of its Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). Pursuant to State law, the District adopted a WSCP to address specific “stages” of action to be undertaken in response to water supply shortages. The District’s WSCP was developed to manage supply and demand during times of drought and emergencies and provides a detailed plan for actions the District may implement in the case of an actual water shortage condition. The District has and will periodically evaluate the elements of the WSCP and update as necessary to ensure conformance with CWC requirements. The District amended the WSCP to more clearly describe the basis for imposing Conservation Penalties. Specifically, the District will require that customers reduce water use in the event of a declared water shortage and will impose Conservation Penalties as described within the WSCP for failure to meet these requirements. The amended WSCP, available at the link below, reflects this change. The Moulton Niguel Water District Board of Directors approved this Ordinance adopting its WSCP and Prescribing Water Conservation Rules and Regulations at its Board Meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
Click here for the Final Amended Ordinance 21-03 and Water Shortage Contingency Plan

Long-Range Water Reliability Plan Update
The purpose of the 2020 Long-Range Water Reliability Plan Update (2020 LRWRP Update) is to evaluate future water supply scenarios and develop a long-term strategy that best serves the water needs of MNWD through the year 2050.
The 2020 LRWRP Update provides a framework for evaluating future water supply projects that results in an adaptive management approach that accounts for future risk and uncertainty. The 2020 LRWRP Update outcome is improved water resource management that provides a roadmap for ensuring reliable and cost-effective long-term water supplies for our customers.
Click here for the 2020 Long-Range Water Reliability Plan Update

Financial Reports
Moulton Niguel continues to ensure stable, efficient, and reliable financial operations by utilizing an array of internally prepared and independently confirmed resources, including regular financial reporting and analyses. Our Financial Planning and Accounting Departments provide insight on accounting, budgeting, and billing to support sound monetary management for our District while adhering to applicable laws, policies, and regulations. Internally prepared financial documents and independent auditor’s reports, made available on this page, indicate the District’s productive stewardship of public funds.

Hazard Mitigation Plan
Moulton Niguel Water District and 18 water and wastewater utilities throughout Orange County have initiated an update to the 2012 Orange County Regional Water & Wastewater Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan provides a framework for water and wastewater utilities in Orange County to reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of natural and man-made hazard events such as earthquakes, flooding, and hazardous materials spills.

Rate Notices
In compliance with the requirements of the California Constitution Article XIII D Sec. 6, Moulton Niguel has developed and distributed notices of a public hearing to its customers regarding proposed changes to its Potable Water, Recycled Water, and Wastewater Service Fees.

Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
The South Orange County Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan has been developed from, and coordinates with, existing plans and research documents provided by the participating agencies in a manner that identifies and integrates regional projects to improve water supply, protect water quality, enhance the environment, and provide flood risk management. This Plan establishes a priority ranking to help further regional efforts to investigate the feasibility of, and identify funding for, these projects. Individual projects, however will go through the appropriate environmental review and permitting process as funding is secured.
Click here for the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

Water Quality Reports
The annual water quality and consumer confidence reports provide information on the sources of our water supply, basic information about your drinking water, and water quality results for the previous calendar year.
Click here to learn more about our Water Quality and Consumer Confidence (CCR) Reports