Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
The Communication Facilities License Program allows wireless communication companies the placement of their facilities on Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) property. The program grants licenses, license amendments, and approvals for license improvements. The downloadable documents below will assist you in following the site development guidelines, understanding the license fees and terms, and starting the
application procedure.
Policy and Procedures within Moulton Niguel Water District Properties
Application Process
Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) a Wireless Telecommunication Consultant for processing requests associated with Wireless Telecommunication Facilities. We are here to help you begin the application process, gain project approval, and attain project completion. The following details are designed to guide you throughout this process.
Starting the Application Process
Please complete and email the following documents to the Wireless Telecommunication Consultant to begin the application process:
- Construction Drawings
- Wireless Telecommunication Application & Fee
- Letter of Authorization (Required by most jurisdictions for Carriers to submit for new-build or site modifications on MNWD properties)
Project Approval & Pre-Construction Meeting
The construction drawings will be reviewed. If the plans involve digging, the Carrier and/or its agent(s) must meet with the MNWD inspector before finalizing the drawings. Once the drawings are complete (100%CD’s), email a consent letter package to the Consultant. A consent letter package may include the following documents:
- 100% Construction Drawings for MNWD approval
- Consent Letter for MNWD approval
- Structural Engineering Report and Epoxy Letter (if applicable)
- Proof of Planning Zoning Approval (if applicable)
- Proof of Building Permit (if applicable)
MNWD will sign the construction drawings and consent letter and mail them to the Carrier. Once the drawings and consent letter are signed, the Carrier may contact the MNWD inspector to schedule a pre-construction meeting. The MNWD tank coating representative must be present at the pre-construction meeting if work is to be done on a MNWD tank. The coating representative must inspect any work done to a MNWD steel tank and the Carrier is responsible for paying for their services.
Project Completion
After the construction project is completed, the Carrier and/or its agent(s) will need to perform a final walk through with the MNWD inspector. To conclude, the following must be submitted to the Wireless Telecommunication Consultant:
- Record Drawings
- Consent letter with the Project Completion section signed by Carrier.
Downloadable Forms
Wireless Telecommunication Application
This form begins the application procedure and ensures that the requirements outlined in the Telecommunication Policies and Procedures are met with each submitted project. The Carrier’s representative must complete the project description scope of work in detail. Payments should be made payable to MNWD and accompany this application. If a lease or license amendment is needed, a separate check should be submitted.
Letter of Authorization
This form authorizes the Carrier and/or agent to proceed with securing any permits or entitlements required by the appropriate jurisdiction associated with the submitted project. It is important to note that this form is not an agreement to lease or license space. The Carrier’s representative must complete the project description scope of work in detail.
Consent Letter
This form represents MNWD’s notice to proceed (NTP) and authorizes the Carrier and/or its agent(s) to proceed with the construction of the submitted project and provide instructions. MNWD will sign this form after the drawings and plans have been verified and approved. The Carrier’s representative must complete the Consent Letter’s project description scope of work.
Once the Carrier’s project is completed, this form needs to be signed-off by the Carrier’s representative and forwarded, along with “record drawings” (as built) site drawings to the Consultant in order to close-out the project.
Construction Drawings Requirements
This link provides the MNWD approved Construction Notes and other required documentation for plans to be submitted for review. This link also provides a check list of items required for the Consent Letter request & MNWD Signed Construction Drawings.
Insurance Requirements
MNWD must have a copy of the current insurance documents before any work can begin. The insurance requirements described in the lease or license agreement in the Policy and Procedures.
Contact Information
ATS Communications
Tony Ingegneri, Consultant
MNWD utilizes a tank coating representative to inspect any work done to a tank by the Carrier and/or its agent(s). Please coordinate with Harper & Associates Engineering, Inc.
1240 E. Ontario Ave. Suite 102-312
Corona, CA 92881
Phone: (951) 372-9196
Harper & Associates Engineering, Inc.
Tank Coating Representative
MNWD utilizes a tank coating representative to inspect any work done to a tank by the Carrier and/or its agent(s). Please coordinate with Harper & Associates Engineering, Inc.
1240 E. Ontario Ave. Suite 102-312
Corona, CA 92881
Phone: (951) 372-9196
Moulton Niguel Water District
Sheldon Yu, Principal Engineer
26161 Gordon Road, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Phone: (949) 425-3505
Email: syu@mnwd.com