Learn About Moulton Niguel’s Water Shortage
Contingency Plan

Water Shortage Stage 2

In October 2021, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a statewide drought emergency, including Orange County. From 2020-22, California experienced its driest three-year period on record.

In March 2022, Gov. Newsom ordered every water agency in the state, including Moulton Niguel, to implement conservation measures.

In May 2022, the State Board implemented the Governor’s order by adopting State Water Board’s Emergency Conservation Regulations. The Emergency Conservation Regulations require our District to enact mandatory drought penalties and conservation actions.

The State Water Board’s Emergency Conservation Regulations also banned irrigation of non-functional, ornamental turf (i.e., grass not used for any purpose) with drinking water in commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors (not recycled water).

To comply with the Governor’s order, Moulton Niguel is in Stage 2 of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan.  If you use 125% or more of your monthly water budget, under the Governor’s order, you will see penalties and higher bills in the future.

We’re doing everything possible to help customers avoid the governor’s penalties and higher bills.  We offer cashback rebates for installing water-efficient devices and host educational workshops to help customers find ways to conserve water. We can also setup a call with our water efficiency team to help you develop a personalized plan for lowering your bill.

As required by state law, Moulton Niguel adopted a Water Shortage Contingency Plan to manage supply and demand during times of drought and other emergencies. The Water Shortage Plan has six stages and is phased approach to ease customers into increased levels of water use efficiency. Each stage requires heightened levels of water conservation.

We do not know how long this drought will last and encourage continued water use efficiency. While we are currently in Stage 2, this could change. The Governor and State Water Board have the power to implement further water use restrictions if they deem it necessary based on water supply conditions. See below for all stages associated with the WSCP and a link to the plan.

Water Shortage Stages as detailed in the Water Shortage Contingency Plan

water shortage stage2
  • Adjust Your Watering Times: The District recommends watering no more than 3 times a week, between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m., for no more than 8 minutes per day. Try 2 cycles at 4 minutes each for best results.
  • Eliminate Water Runoff: Adjust your sprinkler nozzles to minimize flow and eliminate overspray onto the sidewalk and/or patio.
  • Sign Up for Free Home Savings Survey: Moulton Niguel’s Water Efficiency team will visit your home, review your outdoor watering practices, and recommend easy ways for you to save water and money. Visit mnwd.com/homesavingssurveys.

Refer to Moulton Niguel’s complete list of outdoor tips to learn about additional ways to save water outdoors.

  • Stay within your Water Budget: Moulton Niguel creates a customized monthly water budget for each customer that represents an efficient volume of water that meets household individualized water needs. Refer to your monthly bill for more information.
  • Look for Leaks: Check for leaks in and around your house. Sign up for leak alerts through our customer portal, mywater.mnwd.com.
  • Install Water Conservation Devices: Use our rebates to upgrade your bathrooms with water-efficient shower heads and toilets and to upgrade your washing machine.

Refer to Moulton Niguel’s complete list of indoor tips to learn about additional ways to save water indoors.