High Efficiency Devices for Schools

High-Efficiency Devices
To help schools better understand their water consumption and identify opportunities for improved water efficiency, Moulton Niguel began providing local school districts with free, site-specific commercial water use assessments and reports in 2017. The following year, the District developed a pilot High Efficiency Device Retrofit Program to provide free high efficiency water devices and installation to schools within our service area.
Learn more to see if your school district qualifies for this program!
Schools must be located in the Moulton Niguel service area to receive a retrofit. As a first step, they must coordinate with the District to schedule and complete a site assessment. The school will receive a comprehensive report that includes a water balance, an inventory of water using devices, and suggested water efficiency measures to improve both their indoor and outdoor efficiency.
District staff has currently only completed indoor retrofits, but we are able to extend retrofits to the school’s irrigation system if it needs improvement as well.
What Kinds of Devices Can You Install?
To give you an idea of high efficiency devices we have installed in other schools through this program, here’s a snapshot of opportunities.
- Toilets
- Urinals
- Showerheads
- Aerators
If you are interested in this program, please email our Water Efficiency Department at conservation@mnwd.com.