Moulton Niguel Hosts First-Ever Fix-a-Leak Workshop
On Thursday, March 22nd, nearly 70 District customers came to our main office to take part in Moulton Niguel’s first ever, Fix-a-Leak Workshop. In coordination with the EPA’s Fix-a-Leak week, the primary focus of the workshop was educating customers on how to find and fix common household and irrigation leaks. The event resulted in engaging conversations and helpful Q&As that allowed customers to receive personalized assistance with their individual questions regarding leaks.
Toilets, Sinks, Meters, and More
Our Fix-a-Leak workshop hosted several hands-on, small group activities led by Moulton Niguel experts who addressed how to find, fix, and prevent common types of leaks found in your toilets, sinks, and irrigation systems. In addition, our team created interactive displays for reading your meter, understanding toilet parts and where to look for leaks in your toilets, fixing sprinkler leaks, and more. Additionally, free giveaways were provided at each station including shower timers, sprinkler keys, and toilet dye strips to test for leaks.
Small Changes Make a Big Impact
In addition to the interactive display stations, several of our Team Moulton Niguel members were present at informational stations sharing the several residential rebates available to District customers. These rebates offer financial incentives to purchase high-efficiency appliances, such as toilets and clothes washers, and are another way to conserve water and potentially lower your water bill. Coinciding with the EPA, we also provided examples of the various landscaping tools and devices you can purchase that have the WaterSense label, such as meter readers and garden hose nozzles. This label indicates a water-efficient device as certified by the EPA; yet another way to make a small change that creates a large impact on overall water conservation and efficiency. To find more information on the WaterSense devices, check the EPA’s website here.
What is the Takeaway?
As you’re doing your spring cleaning, it’s a great time to check for leaks around your home. We want to help our customers fix small leaks before they turn into big problems. Common household leaks, such as a leaky toilet, can waste potentially up to 500 gallons of water per day and every year, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water nationwide. When leaks graduate to larger problems, not only can they cause serious damage to your home, they can also lead to water waste and a higher water bill. As always, our goal is to provide our customers with the resources they need to take preventative measure to avoid leaks, and the education and skills they need to identify and fix leaks when they do occur.
Addressing leaks in your home can save hundreds of gallons of water and hundreds of dollars for the customer. If you have any questions about leaks or would like to request a home savings survey, you can contact our Water Efficiency team at (949) 448-4025.