Every time you pay your monthly bill, you’re making an investment in our local water and wastewater systems. Your ratepayer dollars are put to work building our robust infrastructure, financing our reliable water supply, and funding our water quality systems that keep our water safe.

Moulton Niguel continues to be fiscally responsible and financially resilient. This summer, the Moulton Niguel Board of Directors approved an on-time, balanced budget that includes funds for our $611 million 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan to invest in rehabilitating and upgrading our critical water and wastewater infrastructure system.

Don’t take our word for it. Credit ratings agencies Fitch and S&P Global continue to recognize our agency with the highest possible AAA credit rating. And for the 12th consecutive year, Moulton Niguel was honored by the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting and fiscal transparency.

Check out a message from our General Manager Joone Lopez, and some of our milestones from the past year.



Water, Recycled Water and Wastewater Services

Moulton Niguel is honored to provide you and your family with safe, reliable water services at the lowest rates in South Orange County.

  • 7 billion gallons of drinking water delivered.
  • Over 12,000 water quality tests ensuring water is safe and clean.
  • More than 3.5 billion gallons of wastewater treated in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Nearly 2 billion gallons of recycled water use provided for irrigation use, offsetting precious drinking water use demands.
  • Nearly 25% of our water demand is met by recycled water.


Proactive Infrastructure Improvements

Moulton Niguel invests ratepayer funds into projects that are critical to sustaining water delivery and wastewater services.

  • Reinvested $43.5 million towards critical infrastructure projects.
  • Replaced more than 100 valves to improve the infrastructure that helps deliver water and recycled water to
    our customers.
  • Completed nearly 440 service line replacements to ensure water continues to flow to your homes and businesses.
  • Operated 39 water reservoirs, 34 pump stations, and one wastewater treatment facility.
  • Recognized for recent replacement of pipelines under the I-5 at Oso Parkway. Further enhancing water reliability for ratepayers and critical institutions including Mission Hospital.


Building Resiliency Through Partnerships

Through partnerships, innovation, and engagement with customers like you, we’ve built resilience to carry us through challenging times.

  • Moulton Niguel helped customers detect leaks, save money, and conserve water with more than $2 million in federal grants to complete our Smart Meter program.
  • Held free virtual customer workshops about sustainable landscapes.
  • Provided free virtual and in person home savings surveys.
  • Hosted first hybrid H2O for HOAs conference with record attendance.
  • Hosted Virtual Community Forum on where your water comes from.

President Brian S. Probolsky
Vice President Duane D. Cave
Vice President Donald R. Froelich
Director Richard S. “Dick” Fiore
Director William “Bill” Moorhead
Director Diane Rifkin

Director Sherry Wanninger

For more information, visit mnwd.com






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