Every time you pay your monthly bill, you’re making an investment in our local water and wastewater systems. Your ratepayer dollars are put to work building our robust infrastructure, financing our reliable water supply, and funding our water quality systems that keep our water safe.
Moulton Niguel continues to be fiscally responsible and financially resilient. This summer, the Moulton Niguel Board of Directors approved an on-time, balanced budget that includes funds for our $611 million 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan to invest in rehabilitating and upgrading our critical water and wastewater infrastructure system.
Don’t take our word for it. Credit ratings agencies Fitch and S&P Global continue to recognize our agency with the highest possible AAA credit rating. And for the 12th consecutive year, Moulton Niguel was honored by the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting and fiscal transparency.
Check out a message from our General Manager Joone Lopez, and some of our milestones from the past year. |