Get Involved With Moulton Niguel
Moulton Niguel offers a number of community resources that allow customers to be in direct communication with the District. Local organizations in our service area can access our Speakers Bureau Program for presentations on a wide range of water issues. Community leaders and Moulton Niguel residents can apply to join the Citizens Advisory Committee to learn more about water management and resources, and discuss these topics with the Board of Directors. Additionally, emergency preparedness resources are also available to help customers prepare for natural and manmade hazards.
Moulton Niguel’s Community Resources
Speakers Bureau
Request a Speaker
Are you interested in having a Moulton Niguel representative speak to your organization? Our Speakers Bureau Program addresses a number of topics, including water use efficiency, water budget based rates, and the future of water. The goal of the Speakers Bureau Program is to create a two-way communication between the District and our customers and to provide local organizations with information on current water issues.
Request a speaker to come speak to your organization!
Citizens Advisory Committee
Join Our Citizens Advisory Committee
Comprised of community leaders, Moulton Niguel Water District’s Citizens Advisory Committee facilitates communication between the District’s customers and Board of Directors. The committee meets regularly to discuss updates on water supply, water efficiency programs and what the District is doing to ensure water reliability for our customers and communities.
Join our Citizens’ Advisory Committee!
Emergency Preparedness
Be Prepared for Potential Emergencies
Natural disasters can strike at any time. That’s why Moulton Niguel offers emergency preparedness resources to help you stay safe. Being prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies can help save lives and prevent damage to your property.
Here is a list of helpful emergency preparedness resources!
Click here to learn how Moulton Niguel is keeping you safe with its emergency preparedness program